The University of Delaware Horn Entrepreneurship recently honored Dave LaRue, the winner of the 2018 Siegfried Award for Entrepreneurial Leadership, with a private dinner and award ceremony at the Wilmington Country Club. Prior to the ceremony, LaRue and Rob Siegfried, CEO and Founder of The Siegfried Group, LLP, led a workshop for Horn Entrepreneurship students and guests.

Award winner LaRue is a global entrepreneur, visionary, speaker, author, and he owns and leads more than a dozen thriving companies, including The Comma Club, a team of entrepreneurs dedicated to creating effortless experiences, vetted opportunities, and lifetime connections for themselves and others.

“Dave really lives what it means to be an entrepreneurial leader,” Siegfried said. “I’ve had the pleasure of learning from and working with Dave, and I have come away a better leader for myself and those around me.”

LaRue was selected to receive the award by a committee consisting of five entrepreneurs and three university professors. The 2019 award winner will be announced in the fall. Past winners include Verne Harnish, Michael Gerber, Dan Sullivan, and Nido Qubein.

Taking charge of your life

During his workshop session, LaRue focused on the idea of serious self-reflection to create successful habits, and he had pointed words of advice for participating college students.

“Students have to be brutally honest about what they really want, what their current habits are, what their credentials are, and what they need to go out and be in that world that they desire,” said LaRue. “Successful people have successful habits and life is about choices. So whatever it is you truly want, you have to be willing to pay the price of getting it. It's up to that individual to take charge of their life.”

Taking charge of one’s life is an idea Siegfried holds close to his heart, and his passion for individual leadership is what sparked the Siegfried Entrepreneurial Leadership Initiative at the University of Delaware. The initiative includes a three-credit course and attendance to the award ceremony and workshop.

“The initiative at the University of Delaware gives me the chance to put my unique spin on leadership,” said Siegfried. “I have studied this topic for a long time, and I’ve learned that leadership starts with you and it starts today, and it will be with you throughout your life. It has the power to positively impact everyone around you.”

Dave LaRue (center) is joined by Dan Freeman, founding director of Horn Entrepreneurship (left), and Rob Siegfried, CEO and Founder of The Siegfried Group, LLP (right)