It's not uncommon to reflect as the year comes to a close. To think about what went right, what went wrong, and what you wish you could do again. And, I imagine that this year, the desire to reflect is stronger than ever.

And although I know that many are eagerly waiting for a new year and a fresh start, I find myself thinking of the last several months and feeling proud and humbled by the incredible things we made happen for not only our company, but for our clients.

Together, with you, we have built on our collective strengths. We have created clarity from unknowns, solidified foundations for the future, and energized transformation and innovation. By approaching 2020 and all of its challenges from a position of strength and with a mindset of how we could better be of service, Siegfried gave our clients and our stakeholders what they needed most: a trusted partner that cared deeply.

In the face of change and challenge, I encourage you to find the passionate commitment to see opportunities where others see roadblocks. To be unafraid of trying new things and getting uncomfortable. Growth can only come from change, and 2020 asked many of us to change in ways we could never anticipate. I believe that 2021 will do the same, and the way you respond and adapt to that change makes all the difference.

I wish you and yours a warm, joyous, and inspired holiday season.

Rob Siegfried
CEO and Founder